Friday, September 26, 2008

My first month!

Hey yall! 

It's been almost a month since I last posted on my blog. So many things have happened with graduate school... it is really overwhelming. Let's start at the beginning. 

I started graduate school right after Labor Day. I went to class Tues and Wed, and then our Thurs class had been cancelled and we never have class on Fri. So a bunch of us went out after our first "week" of classes. We went out Wednesday night and Thursday night, I might have been drinking and had a great time. Pictures can be seen on facebook, many are now untagged. However, the fun didn't stop there, after the first week, we went on the annual MHA fishing trip. Which really isn't fishing at all, but it was all sorts of fun! It included all of the first year MHA students, plus the second years, plus some faculty and staff and all spouses. But I had a great time, I even joined a bocce ball tournament and my team won! We played four rounds of bocce ball... I now love and hate that game.

I have three new girlfriends in the program! They are so awesome! And I spent Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun with them that first weekend, and they didn't get sick of me! It was a hard and long weekend on my body and I'm still not sure my liver is the same... But hanging out with them was really great! They are such great people - honest, hardworking, outgoing, kind and gentle, sensitive and exciting people! Even after a month, we are still close and getting closer. I feel so lucky and blessed to be so far away from home and meet such extraordinary people who make me feel not so alone in this new journey.

Then after the trip, school got really busy and really hard, really fast. I've been having a lot of fun, but it's really difficult for me. I'm trying to keep my head up and work on my weaknesses, but focus on my strengths. I don't have any background in this stuff, but as long as I keep looking forward, I find myself moving through it! And I love it! It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. My program is so wonderful and exciting! The professors are genuinely interested in my progress and improving healthcare for Minnesota and for the U.S. It's a really loving program and I know I made the right decision by coming up here. Though, check again with me in the winter.

I will have to post again sometime soon with all my funny stories. Minnesota is fundamentally different than Texas. For sure.

But I'm alive, doing well, studying A LOT! Missing my people, but meeting all sorts of wonderful spirits! 


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